Share Your Best
SIMS Memories!

Share your best Spice Island moments with us! Whether you’ve captured a stunning photo, an unforgettable video, or a memorable story, we want to hear from you.

By uploading your memories, you automatically enter our anniversary contest. Prizes will be awarded weekly to the best submissions, so make sure to bring your A-game!

The best stories, photos, and videos will be featured on our social media channels throughout the celebration period. Your memories could inspire fellow sailors and boaters across the globe!
As part of our 40th anniversary celebration, we’re inviting you to upload your favorite Spice Island Marine memories—whether it’s a photo, a video, or a written story. Your submission could be featured on our social media channels, and to make it even better, every entry gives you a chance to win exciting prizes in our anniversary contest!
We’ve been part of so many adventureS. now it’s time to share yours!
Show us your favorite moments at Spice Island Marine, whether it’s your boat after a haul-out, a breathtaking sunset in Grenada, or an epic repair story, we want to see it!
Got a video that tells the story of your experience? Upload it! From time-lapses of work done at our boatyard to candid moments during your stay, we’d love to see your memories in motion.
Tell us about the time we helped you out during a hurricane season, the friends you’ve made at Spice Island, or anything else that made your visit special. No memory is too small!
What Can You Submit?

Want to boost your chances of winning? Leave us a Google review!
Every review you submit will earn you an additional entry into our anniversary contest. Simply click here to leave your review and share your feedback with the world!
Leave a Google Review for an Extra Entry!
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